How to mine Kaspa with BzMiner

Kaspa mining was introduce in BzMiner v8. This guide will instruct you how to use BzMiner to mine Kaspa.

NOTE: There are two network protocols BzMiner supports for Kaspa; stratum and solo. Solo mining to a node "solo" protocol. BzMiner will attempt to choose the correct protocol, however that may not always work.

Command Line Interface:

Start by downloading the latest version of bzminer, found here. Then extract the contents of the archive.

There is a reference script (kaspa.bat for windows, for linux) which contains a template for mining Kaspa on bzminer.

bzminer -a kaspa -w 000000 -p stratum+tcp://yourpool

Replace 000000 with your mining wallet, keeping the correct order.

replace yourpool with the pool's address and port you want to mine to.


bzminer -a kaspa -w 000000 -p stratum+tcp://


Start by downloading the latest version of bzminer, found here. Then extract the contents of the archive.

A file called config.txt should be present. Open this file and look for the section (at the top) called pool_configs.

There should already be one or two pool config templates in there. In the first template, set the algorithm to kaspa, the wallet to your wallet (if more than one wallet, can use json array, or single string with comma or space separated wallet addresses), and url to the pool you want to mine to.


    "pool_configs": [{
            "algorithm": "kaspa",
            "wallet": "00000", // replace 0000 with your own wallet addresses
            "url": ["stratum+tcp://"], // replace with the pool you wish to mine to. Add multiple pools for failsafe when a pool fails
            "username": "worker_name",
            "lhr_only": false
    "pool": [0], // pool config you wish to use by default when device_overrides does not specify
    "rig_name": "rig",
    "log_file": "",
    "nvidia_only": false,
    "amd_only": false,
    "auto_detect_lhr": true,
    "lock_config": false,
    "advanced_config": false,
    "advanced_display_config": false,
    "device_overrides": []

Hive OS:

Go the the Hive OS site, which can be found here

Start by updating your Hive OS rig to latest version. The create a new flight sheet.

Set Coin to KAS.

Create a new wallet with your wallet addresses.

Set Pool to Configure in miner.

Set Miner to BzMiner.

Set Name to anything you want to name this flight sheet.

In the Miner option, click Setup Miner Config.

In the opened BzMiner configuration panel, Set Hash algorithm to kaspa.

Set Wallet template to %WAL% (or set to your wallet address directly).

Set Worker name to whatever you want to identify this rig as on the pool.

Set Pool URL to the pool url you want to mine to (eg. stratum+tcp://

Click Apply Changes, then deploy to the rigs you wish to mine Kaspa on.

Config arguments in Hive:

To set config.txt parameters in Hive, you can use the Extra config arguments: box in the BzMiner configuration window.

Add the arguments in this box as you would in the config.txt file

For example, to set the oc for 3 devices, you would need to do it like this:

As of v8.0.0, BzMiner now supports oc_ parameters to be strings of json arrays to get around hives interface preventing valid json arrays as the values:

"oc_fan_speed": "[-1, 80, 0]"
"oc_power_limit": "[0, 250, 0]"
"oc_core_clock_offset": "[100, 200, 100]"
"oc_memory_clock_offset": "[0, 0, 0]"
"oc_lock_core_clock": "[0, 0, 0]"
"oc_lock_memory_clock": "[810, 0, 810]"

Updating Hive with latest version manually:

Start by following the Hive OS guide above to get the latest version on Hive (currently v).

Run the following command on your Hive rig:

rm -f /tmp/*; cd /tmp; wget{version_you_want}_linux.tar.gz; tar -xvf bzminer_v{version_you_want}_linux.tar.gz; miner stop; cp bzminer_v{version_you_want}_linux/bzminer /hive/miners/bzminer/{version_on_hive}/; miner start

Replacing {version_you_want} with the version you want to update to, and {version_on_hive} with the version you currently have selected in your flight sheet on hive

For example (you want v23.0.2, hive has vv22.0.0):

rm -f /tmp/*; cd /tmp; wget; tar -xvf bzminer_v23.0.2_linux.tar.gz; miner stop; cp bzminer_v23.0.2_linux/bzminer /hive/miners/bzminer/v22.0.0/; miner start

Solo Mining:

Start by running the node, found here

Follow any of the guides above to set BzMiner up, replacing the pool url with the ip address of your node, and port number 16110.

The node uses the grpc protocol, so use solo+tcp://

If your mining on the same pc that the full node is running on, use the ip address

Command line example:

bzminer -a kaspa -w 000000 -p solo+tcp://