How to mine Ixian with BzMiner

Ixian mining was introduce in BzMiner v9. This guide will instruct you how to use BzMiner to mine Ixian.

NOTE: There is only one network protocol BzMiner supports for Ixian right now, the GetWork protocol; http and https. Solo mining to a node currently uses the same protocol as the pools.

Command Line Interface:

Start by downloading the latest version of bzminer, found here. Then extract the contents of the archive.

There is a reference script (ixi.bat for windows, for linux) which contains a template for mining Ixian on bzminer.

bzminer -a ixi -w 000000 -p http://yourpool

Replace 000000 with your mining wallet.

replace yourpool with the pool's address and port you want to mine to.


bzminer -a ixi -w 000000 000000 000000 000000 -p


Start by downloading the latest version of bzminer, found here. Then extract the contents of the archive.

A file called config.txt should be present. Open this file and look for the section (at the top) called pool_configs.

There should already be one or two pool config templates in there. In the first template, set the algorithm to ixi, the wallet to your wallet, and url to the pool you want to mine to.


    "pool_configs": [{
            "algorithm": "ixi",
            "wallet": "00000", // replace 0000 with your own wallet addresses
            "url": [""], // replace with the pool you wish to mine to. Add multiple pools for failsafe when a pool fails
            "username": "worker_name",
            "lhr_only": false
    "pool": [0], // pool config you wish to use by default when device_overrides does not specify
    "rig_name": "rig",
    "log_file": "",
    "nvidia_only": false,
    "amd_only": false,
    "lock_config": false,
    "advanced_config": false,
    "advanced_display_config": false,
    "device_overrides": []