BzMiner Release v21.5.3b1

BzMiner v21.5.3b1

x New CPU Coin: verus (must enable cpu mining with --cpu 1 on command line or "enable_cpu": true in config.txt/hiveos)
x Warthog: Slight verus optimization
x Fixed dynex on AMD MI50 and VII cards
x New option: cpu_affinity
x Renamed `warthog_cpu_threads` to `cpu_threads`
x Renamed `warthog_unused_cpu_offset` to `cpu_threads_start_offset`
x Added additional command line options for choosing which algorithm each device mines
x Added additional config.txt options (for HiveOS) to allow for more than 3 algorithms
x Added summary table when more than 1 algorithm is mining. To disable use the "summary_table" option
x Fixed warthog pool extranonce ignoring extranonces with leading 0's
x Fixed verus on octominer cpus
x Fixed verus on multi-socket cpus
x janushash can be used instead of specifying warthog for algo name
x see notes below for details on these options

cpu_affinity option:

Available in both command line and config.txt
can be a single value, or multiple values
eg. command line:
--cpu_affinity FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF
eg. config.txt:
"cpu_affinity": ["FFFFFFFF", "FFFFFFFF"]

if dual mining, make sure that the indexes of the option match the cpu algorithms, for example if dual mining ironfish and warthog, and ironfish is specified first (which has no cpu component), you would do something like this:
"cpu_affinity": ["", "FFFFFFFF"]
You may also just specify a single string that all cpu algorithms will use
"cpu_affinity": "FFFFFFFF"
if cpu_affinity is specified, cpu_threads and cpu_threads_start_offset are ignored, as both of these are inherently defined in the affinity hex mask

cpu_threads and cpu_threads_start_offset:

Renamed these options to be more general across all bz's CPU algorithms. if these are set to 0 and affinity is not specified, bz will attempt to use as many threads as possible, minus 1 or 2 threads depending on how many logical processors are available, this is for stability, as using all available threads can cause the system to lag

config.txt now has top level options to allow overriding mining configuration in HiveOS

"algo_override" - list of algorithm names to mine
"url_override" - list of urls for each algorithm (this can be multi-dimensional for backup urls, just make sure entire value is in double quotes)
"wallet_override": list of wallets for each algorithm
"workername_override": list of worker names for each algorithm
"password_override": list of pool passwords for each algorithm
"pool_override": list of devices to mine each algorithm. this can be a multi-dimensional array. (make sure full value in double quotes)
"intensity":  list of intensities for each algorithm (per device). this can be a multi-dimensional array. (make sure full value in double quotes)

example HiveOS extra config arguments (6 algorithms, first two devices dual mining (notice the [0,2] and [1,2], meaning first device will mine karlsen+warthog and second device will mine ironfish+warthog):

"algo_override": ["karlsen", "ironfish", "warthog", "dynex", "nexa", "rvn"]
"url_override": ["stratum+ssl://", "stratum+ssl://", "stratum+ssl://", "stratum+ssl://", "stratum+ssl://", ""]
"wallet_override": ["karlsen_wallet", "ironfish_wallet", "warthog_wallet", "dynex_wallet", "nexa_wallet", "rvn_wallet"]
"workername_override": ["karlsen_worker", "ironfish_worker", "warthog_worker", "dynex_worker", "nexa_worker", "rvn_worker"]
"password_override": ["", "", "", "", "", ""]
"pool_override": "[[0,2],[1,2],[2],[3],[4],[5]]"
"intensity": "[[5,10], [6,20], [1], [2], [3], [4]]"

command line now allows for up to 9 different algorithms to be specified. below are the list of these command line options:

--a1 {first algorithm name}

--p1 {first algorithm pool url}

--w1 {first algorithm wallet}

--r1 {first algorithm worker name}

--pool_password1 {first algorithm password}

--i1 {first algorithm intensities (per gpu, so should be a list of intensities to control individual gpu intensities for this algorithm)}

--pool_devices1 {first algorithm list of gpus that should mine this algorithm. these can be either device index OR device pcie id's (eg. 23:0)}

Downloads links



Install scripts

MMPOS: (Note: put in Initiate command prior to miner launch field in miner profile ->advanced)

export version="21.5.3b1" # Example version
if [ -f "/tmp/bzminer_v${version}_linux.tar.gz" ]; then
exit 0
cd /tmp; wget${version}_linux.tar.gz; tar -xvf bzminer_v${version}_linux.tar.gz; sudo cp -adpR bzminer_v${version}_linux/bzminer /opt/mmp/miners/bzminer/


export version="21.5.3b1"; mstop; cd /tmp; wget${version}_linux.tar.gz; tar -xvf bzminer_v${version}_linux.tar.gz; sudo cp bzminer_v${version}_linux/bzminer /home/minerstat/minerstat-os/clients/bzminer; mstart

Hive OS:

wget; tar -xvf bzminer_v21.5.3b1_linux.tar.gz; miner stop; cp bzminer_v21.5.3b1_linux/bzminer /hive/miners/bzminer/21.5.1/; miner start

Rave OS:

stop && wget && tar -xvf bzminer_v21.5.3b1_linux.tar.gz && cp -adpR bzminer_v21.5.3b1_linux/bzminer /app-data/miners/bzminer-21.5.1 && start