BzMiner Release v21.0.2b8

BzMiner v21.0.2b8

x Fixed warthog balancing issues
x Updated display for warthog
x Fixed other various warthog issues
x New Coin: warthog
x Added option `warthog_cpu_threads` - Number of threads to use to compute the verus hashes. Default is 0, use number of cores available
x Added option `warthog_max_ram_gb` - Amount of RAM to use to store sha hashes while cpu threads are calculating verus hashes. Default is 4gb. Value of 0 will use max ram minux 1gb. If not enough avaiable ram, will use available ram minus 1gb. if still not enough ram, will use available ram / 2.
x Added option `warthog_verus_hr_target` - Specify the amount of verus hashrate each gpu should provide to the verus workers. If all gpu's have a verus hashrate specified, calibration will be skipped. Hashrates are specified in hashes per second, and are separated by spaces. Default is 0
- NOTE - Using all available processors will have a negative impact. If manually specifying threads, keep in mind that the os needs a processor to work on, bz itself needs a processor, gpus each need their own threads (they can share processors), and there's an additional processor pinned to 100% usage to distribute the work among the verus workers. bz will automatically reduce thread count to account for these if no thread count is specified.
- NOTE - Status column now shows gpu hashrate/verus hashrate, where gpu hashrate is how many sha hashes the gpu is doing, and verus hashrate is how many sha hashes its currently providing the verus workers. those numbers across the gpus should add up to match the verus hr in the pool status

Downloads links



Install scripts


export version="21.0.2b8"; mstop; cd /tmp; wget${version}_linux.tar.gz; tar -xvf bzminer_v${version}_linux.tar.gz; sudo cp bzminer_v${version}_linux/bzminer /home/minerstat/minerstat-os/clients/bzminer; mstart

Hive OS:

wget; tar -xvf bzminer_v21.0.2b8_linux.tar.gz; miner stop; cp bzminer_v21.0.2b8_linux/bzminer /hive/miners/bzminer/20.0.0/; miner start


export version="21.0.2b8" # Example version
cd /tmp; wget${version}_linux.tar.gz; tar -xvf bzminer_v${version}_linux.tar.gz; agent-stop; sudo cp -adpR bzminer_v${version}_linux/bzminer /opt/mmp/miners/bzminer/; agent-start

Rave OS:

stop && wget && tar -xvf bzminer_v21.0.2b8_linux.tar.gz && cp -adpR bzminer_v21.0.2b8_linux/bzminer /app-data/miners/bzminer-20.0.0 && start